 Registered charity no. 1130263 |
Those who (in Charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Al-Baqrah 2:274) |
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Founder's Message

Dear Visitor,
As the Founder of M-R Foundation, I would like to thank you for your interest and visiting M-R Foundation's website. The chief objective of our organisation is to Serve Humanity and carry out charitable works.
The Foundation aims to increase its resources and funds by expanding its membership base, raising the community and corporate profile of its work and engaging in a effective fund raising programs in the UK. M-R Foundation will raise funds by offering Lifetime and Annual memberships which are available on following conditions.
- All Members (Lifetime or Annual) will have to introduce at least one member of their type to the organisation within the first year of their membership.
- Voluntarily offer their services and show pride in their performance and give an honest effort to the tasks assigned to them.
- The office bearers will be selected by the President of the Foundation and the President of the Foundation will be selected by the first 50 Lifetime members for a fixed term.
I would also like to inform you that, being a Member of the foundation, you are entitled to discounts offered by our sponsor companies.
I am open to all kinds of suggestions and look forward to working with you in this great cause and once again thank you for your interest.
Waheed Ur Rehman Mian Founder M-R Foundation
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